Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Cook

The Cook was one of the first Characters what i do for the game projekt.
There was many diskusions about this guy .
" He is to creepy" or " Give him more belly " but one week later was he "Ok" :)Joachim Segler, the Art director and a dirty old
3d artist build him in 3ds Max.
I finished him finaly with the Texture.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Wild Rob bei Gnomon!

Robert Kuczera the big ugly 3D Artist from Munich brought
his animation DVD „Intuitive Animation“ bei Gnomon Workshop out.
So go and by it!

Check this out:

Friday, May 9, 2008


I received today this mail from ConceptArt.Org News.
Please take a look at this, and take a look on the links.

Hi everyone,

There is an important issue facing us as artists, related to the copyrights of our works, which corporations wish to control and take at our expense. You could lose ownership of the art you create. We must put a stop to this immediately unless you wish to see others owning and plagiarizing your art. 

This is too important to ignore please participate and forward to your others.

Congress is rushing these bills through to a floor vote. The House will start marking up their version of the bill at 2:00 today; the Senate will do so tomorrow. To try to stop this bill, we first need to slow down the race to get it passed.


Take Action: Don't Let Congress Orphan Our Work

We've set up an online site for visual artists to e-mail their Senators and Representatives with one click.

This site is open to professional artists, photographers and any member of the image-making public.

We've provided sample letters from individuals representing different sectors of the visual arts.

If you're opposed to the Orphan Works act, this site is yours to use.

For international artists and our colleagues overseas, we've provided a special link, with a sample letter and instructions as to whom to write.

2 minutes is all it takes to write Congress and protect your copyright:

Please forward this message to every artist you know!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Golden Hamster

The Hamster has two character shape versions in the game.
This is the fat version.And the "Arnold" version.